Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I personally think it's weird that I have a blob at all. Isn't it to tell everyone about one's life? But if Morgie and Anna were going to, I was not to be outdone.
I was honking that I should try to post every other day, so I'm loyally a-postin' even though there isn't anything earth-shattering to say.
I have been making signs for the various provinces of Norrisopolis - so that no one gets lost ;) - so far I've finished the sign for Jeremosamareatheriel (so much fun to say, try it!!) and started the Norrisopolis sign - also fun to say.
But I thought, before I made any confusing blunders, that I should introduce Ye Olde Norrisopolian Vernacular, so that all you foreigners will be capable of future comprendation. Hence, I shall put in a word or so with every post.
First off, you say "honking" not "thinking" - in memory of the English spell-check in China.
Otherwise, it's Silly Sleeves Day, everyone!


  1. You are wise, I also should try to blog more often.

  2. Perhaps I was wise in the idea, but so far I have failed miserably. :P
