Monday, May 16, 2011

I have a blob!

I* have been told by many a peculiar person that I should get a blob. Hence, tada!
I suspect that many of you have been staring blankly at my title with much bewilderment - and that the remainder were smart and looked it up in their trusty Elvish/English dictionaries. But for those of you who didn't, I simply summarized my life. (you should all know what it means now)
I must warn you that there will likely not be anything as interesting or splendiforous as one might find on The Grate Blue or the like (what could be more wondersome than blue bunnies and biblical nutmeg?) but know, all ye readers of the post, that this blob (and this life) exists to praise the Lord.

*You know, that Jesus Freak? She lives over in Norrisoplis, those guys sure are weird...


  1. I am going to follow this blog, though I have no idea where it will take me. Should be fun!

  2. Unfortunatly, I do not have a trusty Elvish/English dictionary. Then I found a translator online. But it doesn't work. It gave the English translation as "Latale na i Heru!" (except it had those nice accent marks, which I do not have on my keyboard) So I guess what I'm asking is... What does it mean??!!! :)

  3. You plobly found a Sindarin translator. :S

  4. Yay, Rosemary has a blog! :]
    Perhaps this will prove to be a more convenient way to keep in touch. :]

  5. Hmm, I believe your blog name goes something along the lines of "Praise be to the Lord," but I'm not sure if I'm right.

  6. Yes! Hurrah for Anna! It's good to have another elf in the world. (you geek you)

  7. Ah, to be an elf. I wish I was; my life would be complete. :) ...actually my life would be immortal. Because I'd be an elf.

  8. Immortal that is - thanks to the Lord's mercy. :)
